We Are The Hub Connecting Researchers and Parents

Hope for Luka Inc. acts as a hub that connects patients in Muscular Dystrophy with researchers and scientists, and raises funds to enable parents to start independent pre-clinical trials and studies for their children with Muscular Dystrophy.

Parents will also have the option to use scientists already on board with our program, or they may choose to bring their own scientists on board our hub. Hope for Luka then will use funds raised to fund the pre-clinical studies and trials performed. We are not a scientific research organization, we only seek and fund scientific research organizations and connect parents of children with Muscular Dystrophy, which wish to start independent research for their children, with such organizations.

The process is done as follow:

We continue adding scientists and organizations that are willing to perform independent research studies and pre-clinical trials.
We target scientists for each of the following research areas:
  • In-depth Analysis of Deletion/Duplication: (Done mainly for early-stage patients) Studying the deletion/duplication by re-creating such deletions and duplications on mice models. This will allow revelation of possible impact of the deletion/duplication, and will provide scientists a better understanding of what areas the next stage needs to be focused on
  • Creation of a Solution for Deletion/Duplication: Gene editing or gene replacement therapy.
  • Delivery Method: Scientists focused on methods of delivering the payload (potential Solution) to the muscles.


We continue raising capital to fund researchers in our hub - The funds are donated to such organizations per-patient-basis since each patient might require different funding in each stage of the study based on his/her unique deletion or duplication.


Support our Cause!

Your donations will enable us to fund scientists to perform independent studies and pre-clinical trials for children with Muscular Dystrophy!

Once donation is made, you will receive an email containing a receipt that can be presented to IRS for tax deduction purposes.   

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