Circles of Impact Leaders

Impact Leader: Hengameh Kiani

What is Circle of Impact? Click here to find out!

Hengameh's Personal Message

Write a short description here about why the leader is connected to Hope for Luka and why they want to be involved in this cause.
Hengameh Kiani - Kiani Realty

What You Are Supporting

Fueling Cutting-Edge Research: The financial support and sponsorships secured by Circle of Impact Leaders directly fund research initiatives with the potential to bring forth muscular dystrophy treatments for rare mutations. (See campaign's details)

Donate Below - Campaign's Goal: $25,000 
Donations Between: $25 to $100
Donations Between: $150 to $700
Donations Between: $1000 to $5K
Donations Between: $6000 to $20K

Hope for Luka Inc. is a 501(c)3 registered tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Tax ID: 88-4259525
For Questions, please call us at: 832-480-3546 Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm CST.